Thursday, May 29, 2014

Finding Your Dream Job

I was reading an article today on about finding your dream job. While it's a short article, it got me thinking about finding a dream job and all that entails. It's not so easy as saying "I like this, so therefore it will be a great job." I learned that lesson the hard way. So after reading this article I wanted to answer the three questions it poses for finding a dream job.

What Makes you Really Angry?
The biggest issue that gets me really angry is animal cruelty. It absolutely breaks my heart when I see an animal suffering or see one being neglected. Unfortunately, my anger is often clouded over by my sadness--I feel too much that I literally make myself miserable thinking about these things. My dream as a kid was to become a veterinarian. Upon realizing I would have to take more physics (the bane of my existence), I went towards my other passion, writing. But on top of physics, I realized I would have to put animals down. I know it's necessary for the animal's well-being sometimes, but the idea of doing it personally breaks my heart. I was in the waiting room at the vet one day with my dog and an older woman came in carrying her dog silently crying over it. The vet tech came out and immediately brought her to the back without saying a word. I almost burst into tears in the waiting room just seeing that--I can't imagine actually being the one to do it. A few weeks ago, my parents had to put down our eleven-year-old golden retriever. We got him when I was twelve. I rushed home from work and just barely made it in time to say goodbye to him. The vet came to our house and sedated him before putting him down. I respect so much that she is able to do that and be with a family as they go through one of the hardest life decisions and events, but I know I could never do it. So despite my anger over the pain and abuse, I could never make a career out of it lest I want to be perpetually depressed.

What are the Biggest Personal Challenges You've Overcome?
I'm going to be honest-I really haven't had many personal challenges. I've had a pretty easy, cushy life. Not to say I haven't been sad or lonely or gone through emotional turmoil, but in comparison to some problems in the world, mine are pretty minor in the grand scheme of things. The one thing I could say about this is that I've had multiple people tell me I should go into counseling or be a life coach--so while I haven't dealt with many personal challenges of my own, I have been there for friends going through their own personal challenges and allegedly I give good advice and am good at listening to their concerns. I don't know how this question exactly helps me find a dream job, but it did help me think about my listening skills and words from my friends, so in that sense, it could help.

What  are your Most Exciting Passions?
As I've mentioned on the blog before, my two passions are writing and helping people. Writing about life and thoughts and ideas is something so thrilling to me, and yet, I find myself shying away from it for fear of criticism (hence the blog; it's an attempt to force myself to write regardless of fear). Helping people is my other passion. From doing physical labor to giving directions to a lost student or parent, I truly enjoy helping others. I think this question is the one that will help me find my dream job. My love of writing and helping people will hopefully come together one day to create a nice environment for me to spend eight hours a day, five days a week. That's how work should be--spending those hours doing something you love. If I could figure out how to do that from home a few days a week, then I would be set.

Questions were from!RZmbc

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